miercuri, iunie 30, 2010

Suflete pereche

Umbrele intunecate imi innegresc zilele si ma opresc sa ajung la tine.

Zilele fara tine sunt goale, si imi petrec fiecare secunda gandindu-ma la tine draga mea.

Am sa ajung la tine si iti promit ca vom fi impreuna pe veci....te voi iubi si te voi proteja si voi distruge pe oricine are curajul sa stea impotriva noastra.

Iubirea ta mi-a dezghetat sufletul si m-a reinviat,trezindu-ma din coma disperarii si a tristetii.

Te iubesc enorm si as fi gata sa urlu pentru a sti toata lumea acest lucru.

Esti parte din mine si fiinta mea si sufletul meu...

With love,


sooo...nu vreau sa.ti ranesc sentimentele dar eu nu simt accelasi lucru pentru tine,imi pare rau.Chiar foarte rau.Nu stiam ca ma iubesti atat de mult:|i don't love you


Tell me if you got a problem
Tell me if it's in your way
Tell me if there's something bothering you
Tell me what should I say
You know I'd do ALmost anything
You know I'd change the world
You know I'd do ALmost anything for my little girl
Tell me if you got a problem
Tell me now what's inside
Show me if you broke your heartstrings
You know you never need to hide
You know I'd do ALmost anything
You know I'd paint the sky
You know I 'd do ALmost anything for you my guiding light
Cause you're my Star shining on me now
A love from worlds apart I need for you,
You are my shining star, my star
A love from worlds apart I need for you,
You are my shining star
Once upon a time a memory
Once upon a time girl
Once upon a time perfect life
Once upon a perfect world
You know I'd do ALmost anything for you my guiding light
You know I'd do ALmost everything to keep you in my life
Cause you're my Star shining on me now
A love from worlds apart I need for you,
You are my shining star, my star
A love from worlds apart I need for you,
You are my shining star
Just a memory
Every dream is of you and me
If I wish upon a star
Well I hope that's where you are
When Heavens turn
You know you'll shine you're in my heart for all time
When Heaven turns you know you'll shine in worlds apart
Cause yeah you are my Star
A love from worlds apart I need for you,
You are my shining star, my star
A love from worlds apart I need for you,
You are my shining star,
shining on me now
A love from worlds apart I need for you,
You are my shining star, my star
A love from worlds apart I need for you,
You are my shining star

luni, iunie 28, 2010

Sexul cel mai bun medicament!:))

Cercetatorii americani spun ca au descoperit secretul longevitatii! Rezultatele unui studiu realizat de revista Forbes pe 1.000 de persoane arata ca sexuleste un adevarat elixir al tineretii, oamenii care fac amor des si cu entuziasm fiind mai sanatosi si avand o stare de spirit mai buna.

O viata amoroasa implinita are multe beneficii care te pot salva, in unele cazuri, de un drum la farmacie.

Imbunatateste simtul olfactiv: in timpul unei partide de amor reusite
creierul stimuleaza productia unui hormon care are un rol important in distingerea mirosurilor;

Reduce riscul de a face gripa : persoanele care fac sex de cel putin trei ori pe saptamana secreta mai multa imunoglobulina A, o proteina care ajuta la intarirea sistemului imunitar ;

Imbunatateste circulatia sangelui: imediat dupa
orgasm , nivelul oxitocinei (unhormon cu rol anestezic) din corp este de 5 ori mai mare , reducand astfel durerile de cap, menstruale sau chiar cele provocate de arterita;

E o
cura de slabire : o partida de amor ajuta la arderea caloriilor, fiind indicata celor care vor sa slabeasca intr -un mod natural.

Dr. Claire Bailey ii sfatuieste
insa pe barbati sa nu exagereze cu sexul, pentru ca pot sa ajunga ladepresie , pe cand femeile pot sa faca dragoste cat poftesc, fara a se gandi la contraindicatii.
Deci si prin urmare?:))FACETI SEX.Nu pe Massive Attack sau pe Cannibal Corpse

Parfumerie.Stiati ca?

Stiati ca nu am altceva de facut decat sa caut chestii sa dau un copy paste si sa le pun aici?

prima chimista din istorie este considerata a fi o femeie care se indeletnicea cu fabricarea parfumurilor? Tapputi, asa cum se numea femeia, apare mentionata intr-o scriere cuneiforma din atribuita mileniului 2 inainte de Hristos din zona Mesopotamiei.

substantele mirositoare din componenta unui parfum nu au numai origine vegetala ci si animala? De exemplu, o substanta inflamabila de culoare inchisa secretata de sistemul digestiv al Casalotului (o anumita specie de balena; Sperm Whale in engleza) sta la baza producerii ambrei. Alte arome se obtin si din castori sau albine, in timp ce moscul (in original musk, care inseamna testicul in limba sanscrita) se obtine din secretia unei glande situate in regiunea anala la masculii speciei de caprioare cu acelasi nume.

cele mai vechi relicve ale producerii de parfumuri de catre oameni, gasite pana in prezent, au aproximativ 4000 de ani? Descoperite recent, sticlutele de parfum si vasele de mixare gasite in Pyrgos, Cipru, faceau parte din materialele de lucru ale unui laborator de aproximativ 4000 de metri patrati in care se fabricau parfumuri.

in Europa, si mai ales in Franta, industria parfumurilor a luat amploare sub influenta parfumierului personal al Caterinei de Medici (Regina a Frantei), pe nume Rene? Insa fabricarea esentelor frumos mirositoare fusese initiata cu mult inainte de acesta: retete de parfum datand din 1221 au fost atribuite calugarilor de la Manastirea Sfanta Maria din Florenta.

la inceput, parfumurile erau folosite de aristocratia europeana pentru a masca miorosurile neplacute emanate de corp in lipsa unei igiene adecvate? Din pacate, acest lucru este destul de raspandit si in ziua de astazi, in toate clasele sociale.

apa de colonie, cel mai frecvent produs din gama parfumurilor cumparat pe scara larga, are cea mai mica concentratie de parfum? Majoritatea produselor de acest fel au o concentratie de parfum de doar 5%. Spre comparatie, apa de toaleta are o concentratie medie de 10%, apa de parfum una de 15% in timp ce cea mai mare conentratie o intalnim in extractul de parfum: 20% in general dar poate ajunge si pana la 40% in cazul produselor exclusiviste. Aftershave-urile au o concentratie medie de 3%.

parfumurile destinate barbatilor au in general o concentratie mai mica de parfum decat parfumurile destinate femeilor? Astfel, in cazul produselor pentru barbati, concentratia uzuala maxima sub care se vand parfumurile este cea a apei de colonie in timp ce in cazul produselor pentru femei cel mai des intalnit produs este apa de toaleta (sau de parfum).\

Avicenna, un celebru invatat din Persia, a fost primul care a descris tehnica distilarii prin care se puteau obtine uleiurile esentiale din plante si flori? Distilarea este si astazi cea mai utilizata metoda prin care se extrag uleiurile aromatice din flori.

denumirea apa de “colonie” provine de la numele orasului German in care s-a fabricat initial aceasta varietate de parfum? Este vorba de Cologne sau, mult mai cunoscut in Romania dupa numele sau german, Koln. Giovanni Maria Farina, un celebru parfumier, este numele inventatorului si 1709 este anul lansarii acestui tip de produs.

Apa Maghiara (Hungary Water, in engleza) este denumirea primului parfum modern din Europa? Legendele spun ca Regina Elisabeta a Poloniei a solicitat un astfel de produs iar calugarii maghiari l-au fabricat pentru ea, in jurul anilor 1300. Pentru efecte benefice maxime, se recomanda atat spalarea cu aceasta esenta cat si consumul acesteia.

“notele” sau “tonurile” unui parfum sunt in numar de 3: de varf, de mijloc si de baza? Notele de varf sunt cele pe care le mirosim imediat dupa ce incercam un parfum si au la baza moleculele cu cea mai rapida evaporare care alcatuiesc parfumul. Imediat dupa acest prim contact, nasul nostru incepe sa simta notele de mijloc, care constituie “inima parfumului”. Dupa 30 de minute, de regula, se fac simtite si notele finale ale unui parfum, cele de baza.

conform celor mai multe surse, cel mai bine vandut parfum din perioada moderna este Chanel No 5? Lansat acum aproape un secol, in 1921, celebrul No 5 este prima creatie a creatoarei de moda Gabrielle “Coco” Chanel si de atunci se vine fara intrerupere, compania estimand ca in lume, la fiecare 55 de secunde, se vinde o sticla din acest parfum. Extractul de mosc de Zibeta, mult mai cunoscuta dupa boabele de cafea care se extrage din excrementele sale – Kopi Luwak, a stat la baza retetei originale a Chanel No 5 insa acest ingredient a fost inlocuit cu unul similar produs in laborator din considerente de protectie a speciei.

Lansare de carte.

Ok.Tre sa scriu ceva.Nu am scris de mult timp.
Sa incepem cu 25 iunie.Dan Negru.ProArte.
Am planuit cu Roxx ca pe 25 iunie mergem la ProArte.Bunn.In dimineata zilei de 25 m.am trezit pe la vreo 11.Disperata,nu stiam la cat incepe.
Am sunat.o repede pe Roxx sa o intreb cand incepe.A spus cu o voce plictisita "Pe la vreo 5".Ok.Am fumat o tigare.Am mai fumat una.Ma gandeam in ce sa ma imbrac.Am gasit.O pereche de blugi si o bluza neagra.Bineinteles nu puteau sa lipseasca accesoriile.Am facut o baie.Linistita.Cu bule.Am fumat o tigare.Cat de perfect.Era vreo 2 juma.Am iesit din baie.Am facut "ritualul"de dupa baie.Cand vad ca e vreo 4.
Ok ce fac?E 4.Nu eram machiata,imbracata,pieptanata nici macar pleata nu imi era uscata.Am tras repede hainele pe mine.M.am dus la baie.M.am machiat.Mi.am pus tot ce trebuie sunt gata sa plec.Suna Roxx "bah mai merem?" eu":|" ma gandeam"cum dracu sa nu mergem,asteptam ziua asta de cand am planuit.o". ok merem.I.am spus ca merg eu la ea.Dar ea nu m.a lasat sa vin si a venit dupa mine:)).Nu eram gata.Mai aveam sami pun lantul la blugi.Fuck.Ok.Plecam.Ne grabim.Imi aprind o tigare.Era 5 fara 20 si intarziam.Vin eu cu ideea sa luam un taxi de la unic.Ok..ajungem la universitate.Ea se duce pana la Profi sa ia niste bani de la taicasu[era la cumparaturi] si eu iau un taxi.Albastru!Era o masina albastra!In ea un baran de treaba.M.a intrebat ce vreau sa ascult si i.am spus orice inafara de manele si populara[sigur nu avea posturi care sa dea muzica Rock,Metal].Asa ca a dat pe Kiss Fm.Am inceput sa vorbim si am vazut.o pe Roxx.Noi ne grabeam s.o prindem si ea tocmai a traversat.Am ras incer iar domnul a intors din nou masina.Incercam sa.i fac semn.Am reusit!Roxx a urcat si ea in masina.Apoi taximetristul ne.a povestit ca pe vremea lui cand s.a deschis ProArte scrisul nu se vedea bine iar el si prietenii lui spuneau "ProasteArte" in loc de ProArte.Ne.am oprit la un semafor sa treaca 3 baieti smecheri.Cand i.am vazut am inceput sa vorbim despre ei.Roxx era foarte tacuta.E adevarat.In accea zi eu am vorbit cel mai mult.Am vorbit despre tineretul de acum din Romania.Pana am ajuns.Roxx a platit.Ne.am luat la revedere,am multumit si am urat o zi buna si am plecat.Acum regret ca nu i.am cerut numarul de telefon.Oricum e cel mai de treaba taximetrist din Lugoj.Cu siguranta e.Am intrat.Sala era plina.Ne.am asezat in margine langa o doctorita foarte draguta care venise cu copilul ei.Doamna a primit invitatie.Foarte amabila.Greu gasesti astfel de persoane in Lugoj,in Romania de ce nu?.In sala erau numai oameni linistiti.In fata erau doua canapele si o masa neagra.Masa era acoperita de un material alb si erau vreo 10 pahare goale si in mijloc o sticla de apa minerala.Sala s.a umplut.Peste cateva minute o doamna blonda cu nas de porc a spus sa ne asezam.A aparut si Dan Negru alaturi de sotia lui.Ok.Sotia lui foarte foarte foarte frumoasa.Aaa am uitat sa mentionez ca urma sa.si lanseze cartea.[Amintiri in alb si negru].Cand a intrat am inceput sa aplaudam.Cum spuneam erau doua canapele.Pe cea din dreapta s.au asezat 3 oameni mai in varsta care urmau sa comenteze cartea.Pe canapeaua din partea stanga s.a asezat Dan si doamna cu nas de porc.Doamna a inceput sa vorbeasca si i.a lasat pe cei 3 oameni sa comenteze cartea.Primul a vorbit foarte incet.Aproape ca nu am inteles nimic.Al doilea a scos niste cuvinte pe care nu le intelegeam.Adica nu vorbea romana:)).Ultima doamna nu a citit ci a vorbit din cap.E bine?De ce au lasat doamna la urma?A terminat.Dan a spus si el cate ceva despre carte.Apoi i.am spus intrebari.La sfarsit ne.a spus ce inseamna Bucurestiul iar noi lugojenii ne.am dat seama ca Bucurestiul e doar un circ urias.Cu multe magazine,parcuri,librarii.Librarii?Wow.La ce ma gandesc?:)).A spus ca Bucurestiul e doar un oras mare din Romania.A spus ca el nu se simte ca acasa in Bucuresti.A mai spus cate ceva.Am vorbit despre carti,autori,emisiuni.Nu am adus vorba de Boc,Diaconescu si toate greutatiile care se intampla acum in Romania.A fost o adunare linistita si calda.La sfarsit am cumparat cartea,am facut poze si ne.a dat autografe si am plecat.

miercuri, iunie 23, 2010

Unde sunt?

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marți, iunie 22, 2010


*Azi am fost la circ.In cotu' mic langa Timis pe un camp intins,multe rulote,tarcuri cu animale,un cort urias..albastru cu alb.putin jegos da.Un tip inalt cu burta putin negru care lua biletele langa el alt tip putin mai slab cu barba,inalt,avea un cercel in urechea stanga,la gat un aparat de toata frumusetea.In dreapta mea era un tarc mic,cu un iepuras.Foarte frumos.Tot in dreapta mea era o rulota cu o foca.Foarte draguta.Neagra si grasa.
Erau nemti.Am asteptat 20 de minute la coada.Azi fiind ultima zi cand au stat in oras.Ultimul spectacol in Lugoj.Ok.Am intrat.Ma grabeam desigur.In sala inca se faceau pregatiri.Cand am intrat in stanga noastra era un stand cu popcorn,sucuri,cipsuri,vata pe bat.Vindea o doamna in varsta.La vreo 40-45 de ani.Care incurca romana cu germana.Acest lucru ma amuza.Doamna era foarte atenta la orice dealiu.Avea parul pana peste umeri,era inalta,slaba,aveam ochi albastrii si pielea accea de femeie batrana.Ca sa nu scap nici eu si cel mai mic detaliu,unghiile ei erau taiate,si nu era data cu oja.Si fuma..Avea ochii mari si zambea.Avea un zambet minunat.Se grabea sa ii serveasca pe toti.
Am luat o punga de popcorn si o sticla de apa si am plecat sa ne cautam un loc.Erau niste banci din lemn,rosii,scari din fier care se clatinau.Ne.am asezat langa un batranel care era cu nepotelul.Omul de treaba.Rar gasesti asa oameni.M.am dus sa iau vata pe bat.Apoi Roxx s.a dus si ea sa.i duca o carte Ralucai.Am venit cu vata iar copilul s.a uitat cu ochi mari la ea.Apoi l.a intrebat pe bunicul lui daca ii da bani sa isi cumpere si el o vata pe bat.Domnul?Cum sa nu.i dea?Apoi copilul a mai vrut si o jucarie,un balon.I.am spus batranelului ca nu are rost sa ii ia balon si jucarie pentru ca o sa se strice repede.Copilul a inteles.Si domnul mi.a dat dreptate.A venit si Rox.Spectacolul a inceput.Pe scena a intrat un tip de vreo 30-35 de ani chel,imbracat in haine de circar bineinteles,sau ceva gen:MJ.Albastra bluza.Pantalonii negri.Si nu parea sa fie german.Stia foarte bine romana.Ca si clownul.A prezentat Circul,apoi a prezentat primul numar.Un numar in aer.Sus.Foarte sus.Pe fata o chema Oana iar pe baiat...nici nu mai stiu.Oricum,ea era tanara iar el avea la vreo 40 de ani.Imi amintesc.Un costum crem cu linii jucause,negre,iar fusta neagra.Era putin machiata ceva gen Amy Winehouse.Avea un coc foarte sus.Dar daca te uitati mai de aproape nici nu ziceai ca are mai mult de 20 de ani.Zambea.Toti circarii zambeau.Si era ciudat.Dupa ce si.au terminat numarul am aplaudat si am chiuit apoi domnul chel l.a prezentat pe clownul Cocolino.Woow.Cocolino?Un nume ciudat.Avea o cutie rosie cu un sarpe pe ea si le dadea sa bea copiilor din loja..lapte..cred.Cand i.a dat si domnului chel a scos si ce era in cutie.Iepurasul dragut de afara.Dupa Cocolino a venit un spiridus dea lui Mos Craciun care canta la manusi si la sticle de alcool:)).Ok.Nu mai stiu ce a urmat.Cred ca dresura de reptile.Da.A scos doar doi serpi si un crocodil.Primul sarpe era unul galben cu alb..era urias.Iar al doilea nu era unul prea mare.Un sarpe obisnuit.Crocodilul era si el mic,lenes,avea niste dinti,piliti cred eu.Dupa cateva numere a venit bine-meritata pauza.Am iesit afara si am facut poze cu Cocolino.Acolo era si speciala doamna Oana.Cred ca ii era frig pentru ca purta un halat.Dupa pauza a inceput dresura cu ponei,elefanti.Chiar am observat.Cat de chinuite pot fi animanele astea,doar pentru ca sa faca omul sa zambeasca si sa dea banii aproasta.Cat de triste si singuratice pot fi.Chinuite de om.Si pentru ce?chiar si elefantii erau foarte slabi.Atunci mi.am dat seama ca animalele se simt importante cand omul aplauda si scoate cate un zambet.Oare asta le face fericite pe animalele de la circ?Pana si foca era molesita.Mi se rupe sufletu[am?]cand ma gandesc la chinul pe care il suporta in fiecare zi.Dupa numerele cu animale a intrat in scena o minunata doamna in costum de piele mulat,maro,cu dungi negre,parul negru prins sus in coada.Superba.Avea sa sustina un spectacol cu prezentatorul.Un numar de forta.Apoi chelul[prezentatorul] si.a pus o bara de metal pe cap si splendida doamna s.a urcat in varful acelei bare.Capul chelului era atat de rosu.Frate.Dupa terminarea numarului au adus niste camile.Slabe si ele.S.au invartit ele pe acolo dar asta nu m.a impresionat cu nimic.Dupa camile,a venit un domn uracios,negru cu sotia lui pe doi elefanti.Sotia lui avea vreo 15 ani.Adica arata a tipa de 15 ani.Imbracata intr.o fusta neagra cu o dunga alba si colanti plini cu sclipici.Era putin machiata si avea parul prins in coc.Dupa acest numar au chemat in scena copii pentru a calarii poneii si elefantii.Cred ca a mai fost un numar si am plecat acasa.Spectacolul s.a terminat!
Am iesit incantate si nu prea povestindu.ne una celeilalte intamplari amuzante.Iesind am ramas cu ideea ca acesti oameni asa muncesc,asa isi castiga painea,zambesc chiar daca le vine sa planga.Zambesc chiar daca le e dor de casa.Zambesc pentru ca oamenii sa zambeasca si ei.Dar in sufletul lor dorul de casa le ocupa tot.Dorul de familie,iubit/a,sot/ie si asa mai departe sau pentru unii casa inseamna circul.Locuiesc alaturi de copii in rulote mici si neincapatoare.Trist.*

duminică, iunie 20, 2010

joi, iunie 17, 2010


Incep prin a spune ca..IUBESC frate.Iubesc.Si cred ca e cea mai frumoasa relatie pe care am avut.o pana acum.Da.Asa e.Stiu la ce te gandesti:).Ok tipa.Tipa e draguta,desteapta,frumoasa...e exact ce vreau.E fata perfecta pentru mine.Ok dar nu fumeaza.Si daca nu fumeaza asta ar putea fi o problema pentru ca eu fumez si daca raman fara tigari nu am de unde sa iau...asa daca ea ar fuma..imi mai dadea si mie o tigara..I FINE.Suntem impreuna de cateva saptamani si deja o ador.Ii spun tati.de ce?Mai jos

Ok hai sa revenim la post.Oreooo..mrrr...Rasucesti,lingi crema,bagi in lapte si mananci:x..Oook.Vorbeam frumos la telefon ca in fiecare minut si amandoua ne uitam pe Hallmark si vine reclama aia la Oreo.Sti tu..biscuitii aia mici,negri cu crema alba.De atunci ii spun "tati"
hmmm si biscuiti sun foarte buni..foarte buni...da.Incearca Oreo!Biscuitii preferati ai laptelui.te iubesc cel mai mult tati:)

Cel mai erotic


Asta chiar imi place:D

ooo da si asta


Serviti,va rog!

Ok poate vi se pare scarbos.Aveti idee cate tigari am stins in apa aia?:))

Si acesta e sfarsitul

De ce sa lasam vaginul in urma?:>

duminică, iunie 13, 2010


Ok..nu stiu ce sa scriu.E sec.Ce mai fac?Iubesc,fut,beau,fumez,ascult,bantui,manc,BEAU.Tu ce mai faci?:)
Bun vineri a fost premierea sfarsitu alea alea.Ok de acolo mam dus cu niste prieteni sa bem si noi ceva ....
pula mea.Ok am intrat la Compact.Restaurant alea alea.Bun peste drum de Compact era o terasa.(pe malu timisului).
Terasa plina cu copii deastia pana in 25 de ani.Buuun..restaurantu ok.Ce sa zic?Am vazut ca sunt mese cu doar 4 scaune(noi eram vreo 10).
Am unit 2 mese.Era perfect.Am comandat ceva de mancare.Beutura.Mi.am aprins o tigare.Am fumat vreo 2 tigari.Am baut 2 beri acolo.Okkk.Imi dau astia meniu.Si incep sa studiez preturiile,felurile,bautura,deserturi.Ok am ajuns la Vodka.Si daca nu am scris imi doresc sa beau de mult Vodka Finlandia.Ok vad io acolo jos Vodka Finlandia 50 ml 5 lei.Si imi comand:D.Iau beau.Buuun ba.Bineinteles ca m.am ametit.Dupa ce am platit nota merem prin centru.Si cand dau sa ies fratele meu nu crezi ca pic?:|Pic pe scari.Eram beauta frate.Toti aia de pe terasa se uitau la mine si Ema stirga"E doar beata".Frate:)).Toti radeam.Eu pe jos.Nici nu sitam sa merg.in fine.btw.13 Iunie ultima zi a festivalului BERII.Mergem acolo.Eu si Danni mai lom o bere.Aaa da si Danni era manga.Astia vor sa se dea in nush ce carusel deala si am zis ok.Go!Noi nu ne.am dat.Daca ne dadeam vomitam in pula mea.Am mai aprins o tigare.Pana astia sor dat noi am baut berea.Ok.Dupa ce au terminat am mai luat o bere.Am baut.o si pe aia si am mers la gelaterie sa luam inghetata.Delicios:D.Eu nici nu stiam sa merg ma tineam de Emma.Era canicula.Nu aveai aer.Ne-am dus pe mal si am fumat o tigare apoi am plecat acas.Ok nici eu nu stiu cum am ajuns.Dar am ajuns si m.am culcat.The End.TRAIASCA BEREA.

duminică, iunie 06, 2010

Special Songs

Blacky: o sa incep cu Gone with the Sin by H.I.M..melodia asta inseamna mult pentru mine..aveam eu...anul trecut cred.Am avut o relatie cu o tipa....numele nu o sa il spun...o iubeam,ma iubeam dar din pacate totul s.a dus dracu si gone with the sin a ramas melodia noastra cum s.ar zice.
Roxxi .: foarte dragut si melodia totusi pentru tine ce reprezinta , citatu' ala cu "mai bine sa iubesti si sa pierzi decat sa nu iubesti deloc"?
Blacky: cred ca totul e scris in citat"mai bine sa iubesti si sa pierzi decat sa nu iubesi deloc"acum pot sa continui cu iubirea...sa iubesti e un sentiment placut.cred ca oricine ar trebui sa iubeasca si sa fie iubit
Roxxi .:poate ca multi nu au stiut ce e iubirea sau pur si simplu nu au gasit.o dar pana la urma...cu toti o sa iubeasca .Daca tot vorbim de iubire , melodia de la LimpBizkit "behind blue eyes" inseamna si asta ceva pentru mine , cu un an sau ceva in urma am facut o pasiune pentru un tip si Limpbizkit erau favoritii lui , ceea ce e oarecum o ironie pentru ca pe vremea aia habar nu aveam cine erau
Blacky: Acum ca ai aflat,ti.ai adus aminte de frumoasele amintiri petrecute cu el?
Roxxi .: oarecum da , cateodata imi face placere si ma face sa ma simt speciala , cateodata ma simt ca o proasta ca am cazut asa usor
Blacky: Beautiful by H.I.M. fiind melodia mea preferata de la H.I.M fireste ca am o multime de amintiri placute legate de ea.Acum nu pot sa le spun pe toate dar o sa ma opresc la una care cred ca e cea mai frumoasa dintre toate.Am trecut prin momente grele pana acum.Am avut multe relatii cu fete care nu erau asa aproape de mine..si fiecarei fete i.am dezvaluit aceasta melodie.Acum pun pariu ca fiecare fata cu care am fost,defiecare data cand aude aceasta melodie se gandeste la mine Roxxi .:Wow , chiar pare o melodie semnificativa din viata ta cand te gandesti ce relatie special trebuie sa fi avut ca sa isi aminteasca de tine .
Roxxi .: "Perfect" si "welcome to my life " de la simple plan , reprezinta oarecum viata mea ,plina de dezastre si certuri , plina de scandal si galagie si oarecum , melodiile astea au dus la formarea mea ca om si ca persoana si uneori , chair daca sunt triste , ma fac sa ma simt mai bine stiind ca undeva , cineva e la fel ca mine si ca nu sunt singura. "Perfect" oarecum reprezinta omul care sunt adica imperfecta si necunoscuta si "welcome to my life " e doar viata mea de zi cu zi , cu bune si cu rele
Blacky: Foarte frumos.Cum ai putea descrie viata ta intr.un cuvant?
Roxxi .: Imprevizibila.Niciodata nu am un plan prestabilit ,sau chiar daca am , tot timpul se schimba.Nimic nu e si nu va fi la fel
Blacky: Eu nu as putea sa imi descriu viata intr.un cuvant
Blacky: Carla Bruni-Quelqu'un m'a dit...daca o asculti sau ai ascultat.o vreodata sigur gasesti putina relaxare in aceasta melodie.Imi place sa ma simt "eu" si cred ca pe melodia aceasta reusesc in sfarsit sa ma regasesc.Te face sa te simti ca acasa.Nu cred ca pot descrie sentimentul.
Roxxi .: foarte frumos.trebuie sa recunosc ca am ascultat melodia si exact asta trezeste in mine , totusi , ce intelegi tu prin "acasa"?
Blacky: Un loc cald,o melodie care iti trece repede prin minte,un loc plin de iubire...Fiecare om are "casa lui".Acasa e defapt locul care te face sa te simti cel mai bine.
Roxxi .: "Spring nicht" de la Tokio Hotel , de cand am ascultat melodia am stiut ca e pentru mine , melodia aceasta a fost una care ma introdus in universul muzici pe care o ascult acum , e melodia de inceput , e melodia care ma reprezinta.melodia asta trezeste in mine sentimente de putere , sigur , uni ar putea zice ca e trista si descurrajatoare, nu si pentru mine , ma face sa ma simt puternica , ma face sa continui sa lupt cu fiecare obstacol ca sa ajung la fericire.
Blacky: impresionant
Blacky: Love will keep us alive by Scorpions...nici nu stiu ce e de spus despre melodia aceasta.Prin aceasta melodie am cunoscut "tipul perfect".Prin aceasta melodie m.am cunoscut pe mine.
Roxxi .: foarte dragut , in mare parte melodiile astea vorbesc doar despre dragoste , asta le leaga intre ele , nu crezi?
Blacky: sunt foarte multe melodii de dragoste..cred ca aproape toate melodiile de dragoste sunt speciale si legate intre ele
Roxxi .: Melodia "I love rock&roll" de la Britney Spears si in special , toate melodiile de la A.S.I.A si O-Zone ocupa un loc special in inima mea , toate sunt inceputurile formari mele , toate fac parte din copilaria mea
Blacky: da.ai dreptate. Ce spui despre melodia "I don't wanna miss a thing" by Aerosmith?nu trezeste amintiri sau vise?
Roxxi .: melodia ocupa un loc special in inima mea , asta impreuna cu "Ashley" de la Escape the fate reprezinta idealul relatiei perfecte , relatia pe care nam avuto niciodata , dar pe care toata lumea sio doreste si viseaza la ea.Tu ce crezi?
Blacky: Chiar ieri pe U tv am prins "I don't wanna miss a thing".Nu stiu.Melodia imi trezeste inceputul...cum ai zis si tu.."unei relatii pe care si.o doreste si viseaza la ea toata lumea".



Diva Satanica Báthory Countess:sti ca viata e ca o calatorie cu trenul,nu sti cand se termina calatoria,urca in tren tot felul de pasageri,uni pe viata,uni doar pentru cateva luni sau zile,ore,saptamani...si e foarte trist pentru ca nu sti cine sta in dreapta ta.in dreapta ta se afla persoana cu care vrei sa "dansezi" toata viata,dar nu sti cand va pleca sau daca va sta cu tine toata calatoria.sti cateodata...incerci sa mergi in alt vagon dar te lovesti de straini care nu vor sa fi acolo...sau poate in alt vagon nu mai sunt locuri si trebuie sa te dea afara.unii oameni coboara la o statie si ne lasa pe noi fara dragostea si atasamentul lor,fara prietenia lor....unele persoane care urca in tren privesc calatoria ca o plimbare scurta,neimportanta..sti ca unii care urca si coboara lasa in urma lor un dor vesnic...si cand coboara te uiti in urma lor si iti amintesi toate momentele placute si neplacute petrecuta cu ei.mie imi place sa traiesc in trecut dar nu cred ca am nevoie de amintiri pot sa mi le fac si singura.
cateodata incercam sa oprim acele persoane sa nu coboare dar in zadar daca vor sa plece..trebuie sa plece...calatoria asta e plina de fantezii,sperante,despartiri,tristete,provocari,iubire,vise...si are muuuulte obstacole...si daca iti termini calatoria singur...tre sa.ti dai seama ca ai calatori degeaba...ca a fost ceva sec.mai bine nu urcai in tren...dar cand termini calatoria cu cineva..nu care cum sa ti se para ca ai calatori degeaba...si calatoria a fost cel mai frumos lucru pe care l.ai trait vreodata.Si daca pasagerii te fac sa plangi..defapt...nimeni nu merita lacrimile tale si pasagerii care le merita nu te vor face sa plangi.

sâmbătă, iunie 05, 2010


"...sti...in ultimele zile petrecute in rai..eram in stare sa imi pun sufletul pe tava pentru tine....pentru iubirea,dragostea si atentia ta...odata ce mi-ai aruncat sufletul...am parasit raiul si am fugit departe in iadul meu furtunos,trist in care nu mai puse piciorul nimeni."

vineri, iunie 04, 2010


Azi stateam degeaba si imi suna telefonu.Ok.Raspund.Era Roxxovette.Imi spune ca vrea sa vina la mine.Ok.Sunt aici.Vino.Ok..a ajuns..si vorbeam vorbeam despre unele,altele..despre blog...la care imi spune ca blogul meu nu mai e interesant.Poftim?:|Am ramas asa:|.Adica cum nu e interesant?
A spus ca pun numai versuri si o plictisesc.Why?:|
Blogul meu nu mai e interesant?Raspunde la intrebare si poti castiga una din cele 6 tigari kent hd puse la bataie:))

Obsesii III.Storm(X-Men)

Storm (Ororo Iqadi T'Challa, née Munroe) is a fictional character that appears in a number of comic books published by Marvel Comics. The character first appeared in Giant-Size X-Men (May 1975),and was created by writer Len Wein and artist Dave Cockrum. Best known as a longtime member and sometimes leader of the X-Men, Storm is the reigning queen consort of Wakanda, a title held by marriage to King T'Challa, better known as the Black Panther.
Storm is one of the most frequently used X-Men, having appeared in most of the comic books, all of animated television series, nearly all of the video games, and the live-action X-Men film series. Storm is portrayed by Halle Berry in the first three films.
Storm first appeared in 1975 in the famous Giant Size X-Men comic, written by Len Wein and pencilled by Dave Cockrum. In this comic, Wein uses a battle against the living island Krakoa to replace the first-generation X-Men of the 1960s with new X-Men. Storm was an amalgamation of several characters Cockrum intended to use for the Legion of Super-Heroes. In a 1999 interview, Cockrum said that the original black female of the Legion would have been called The Black Cat. According to him, she had Storm's costume but without the cape, and a cat-like haircut with tufts for ears. However, other female cat characters like Tigra had appeared, so Cockrum redesigned his new character, giving her white hair and the cape, and created Storm. When colleagues remarked that Storm’s white hair made her look like a grandmother, and thus, presumably unpopular, he just said: “Trust me.”
Chris Claremont, who followed up Wein as the writer of the flagship title Uncanny X-Men in 1975, embraced Storm and started writing many notable X-Men stories, among them God Loves, Man Kills and Dark Phoenix Saga, which respectively served as the basis for the films X2: X-Men United and X-Men: The Last Stand. In both arcs, Storm is written as a major supporting character. This was a harbinger of things to come, as Claremont stayed the main writer of that comic book for the next 16 years and consequently wrote most of the publications containing Storm.
In Uncanny X-Men (December 1976), Claremont established Storm's backstory. Ororo's mother, N'Dare, is the princess of a tribe in Kenya and the descendant of a long line of African witch-priestesses with white hair, blue eyes, and a natural gift for sorcery. N'Dare falls in love with and marries American photojournalist David Munroe. They move to Harlem in uptown New York City, where she becomes pregnant with Ororo and bears her, and then to Egypt during the Suez Crisis, where they are killed in a botched aircraft attack and leave six-year-old Ororo as an orphan. There, her violent claustrophobia is also established as a result of being buried under tons of rubble after that attack. She then becomes a skilled thief in Cairo under the benign Achmed el-Gibar and wanders into the Serengeti as a young woman. There, she is worshipped as a goddess before being recruited by Professor X for the X-Men.
Claremont further fleshed out Storm’s backstory in Uncanny X-Men (January 1979). He retroactively added that Professor X, who recruits her in Giant Size X-Men of 1975, had already met her as a child in Cairo. As Ororo grows up on the streets and becomes a proficient thief under the tutelage of master thief Achmed el-Gibar, one of her most notable victims was Charles Francis Xavier, later Professor X. He is able to use his mental powers to temporarily prevent her escape and recognizes the potential in her. However, when Xavier is attacked mentally by Amahl Farouk, the Shadow King, the two men are preoccupied enough with their battle to allow the girl to escape. Both Xavier and the Shadow King recognize Storm as the young girl later
Punk revival (1980s)
In the following issues, Claremont portrayed Storm as a serene, independent character. Although Storm was initially written having trouble adjusting to Western culture, e.g. calling the obligation to cover herself up in a public bath "absurd," she earns a lot of respect: in Uncanny X-Men (November 1980), Claremont established her as the leader of the X-Men after Cyclops took a leave of absence, a position she holds in various incarnations. Claremont also made Storm especially harbor motherly feelings for the youngest X-Man, 13-year old Kitty Pryde. In Marvel Team-Up (December 1980), Claremont wrote a short story in which he retroactively established that Storm, then 12 years old, saves a young Black Panther from racist thugs when they both are in Kenya. This story would later become a base for later writers to establish a deeper relationship between both characters.
In X-Men Annual the X-Men travel with the Fantastic Four to help Arkon the Imperion defeat lizard-like Badoon invaders who had taken over his kingdom. Storm and Arkon share a kiss at the end of the issue, as she turns down his offer to make her his queen.
In the early eighties, adventures of Storm written by Claremont included a space opera arc, in which the X-Men fight parasitic beings called the Brood. Storm is infected with a Brood egg and contemplates suicide, but then experiences a last-minute save by the benign whale-like Acanti aliens.In the following arc, Claremont further established Storm's character strength. He wrote a story in which Storm's fellow X-Man Angel is abducted by a rogue mutant group called the Morlocks. The X-Men are hopelessly outnumbered, and Storm is rendered sick by the Morlock called Plague. Only one solution is left; an X-Man must defeat the Morlock's leader Callisto in a duel to the death. At first, Storm's colleague, Nightcrawler, wants to battle her, but Storm states that since she leads the X-Men, she must fight Callisto. Despite being violently sick, she defeats Callisto by impaling her through the heart and nearly kills her
In Uncanny X-Men , October 1983, a notable move was made by changing Storm's costume and appearance. Writer Claremont and artist Paul Smith created a new look, abandoning her old costume for black leather top and pants, and changing her former veil of white hair into a punk Mohawk.In a 2008 interview, Smith regretted the change as "a bad joke gone too far ... I knew that they were going to cut the hair, so as a joke I put a Mr. T mohawk on her ... [editor] Louise Simonson said 'We're gonna get hung[sic] no matter what we do, so let's commit the crime!' So we went with the Mohawk ... But once you get into the whole leather and stud thing it was a bad joke that got way out of hand."
In the actual story, Storm's outlook on life darkens after her struggles with the Brood. These changes alienate her from Kitty for a time. Storm is influenced in this by Yukio, a friend of Wolverine who becomes her lover. Claremont wrote an arc in which fellow mutant Forge develops a mutant power neutralizing gun. The intended target is another X-Man, Rogue, who because of her criminal history and a recent encounter with some S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, is believed to be a terrorist. When the shady U.S. government operative Henry Peter Gyrich aims at Rogue, he accidentally hits Storm, taking away her powers. Forge saves Storm from death and takes her back to his home in Dallas, Texas to recover. With his help, she adjusts to life without her powers, and they slowly fall in love. Later, Storm overhears a phone conversation between Forge and Gyrich, and discovers Forge built the weapon that took her powers. She is heartbroken and leaves him.
However, Claremont continued to write her as a strong character, letting a depowered Storm win against Cyclops for the leadership of the X-Men in Uncanny X-Men (1986).[17] In the late eighties, Claremont wrote arcs in which Storm, again portrayed with a costume and hairstyle closer to her original, temporarily joins the insidious Hellfire Club (1987), is trapped in another dimension with Forge and regains her elemental powers, and is captured by the evil cyborg Nanny. Although believed slain in that encounter, she resurfaced, having become amnesiac as a result of being physically regressed to childhood by Nanny. She is hunted by the evil telepath Shadow King and framed for murder, and finally returns to thieving before regaining her memories.In the following arc, The X-Tinction Agenda, she is kidnapped to the mutant-exploiting fictional nation of Genosha and is temporarily transformed into a brainwashed mutate, but is in the end restored physically and mentally to her adult prime.
Growth as a character (1990s)
In October 1991, the X-Men franchise was re-launched, centering on the new eponymous X-Men (vol. 2) comic. Claremont wrote Storm as the leader as the X-Men's Gold Team; the other team, Blue, is led by her colleague Cyclops, the X-Man she once succeeded as leader. When Claremont left the X-Men comic after 16 years since his debut in Uncanny X-Men (1975), he was replaced by Jim Lee, who continued portraying her as a strong leader. In the sister title Uncanny X-Men, now under Scott Lobdell, Lobdell continued on the romance between Storm and Forge eventually having Forge propose to Storm in 1992. Storm hesitates and is about to say yes when Forge misinterprets her reaction and rescinds his offer before Storm can speak.Lobdell waited until November 1993 before he let a deeply hurt Storm and Forge make up with each other.In 1995, Lobdell continued with an arc which pitted the X-Men against the Morlocks again. As Claremont did with Callisto in 1983, Lobdell let Storm end the battle by mortally wounding her opponent at the heart. This time, Storm rips out one heart of the two-hearted Morlock girl Marrow, who had fixed a bomb to it.In February 1996, Storm got her first miniseries, the eponymous Storm. In these four issues, Warren Ellis wrote a story in which Storm is sucked into an alternate dimension and pitted against villain Mikhail Rasputin.
Contemporary Storm (2000s)
In X-Treme X-Men, conceived by a newly-reinstated Chris Claremont in July 2001, Storm was written as the leader of this team of more streetwise X-Men, including the former thief Gambit, former Brotherhood member Rogue, Sage, anti-hero Bishop, Psylocke, and the more tame third hero known as Thunderbird. This was in contrast to its more strait-laced sister titles, Uncanny X-Men and New X-Men. In the period until its end in issue (June 2004), Claremont continued to write Storm as the central character. During this time, Storm enjoys a brief flirtation with younger fellow X-Man Slipstream and is kidnapped by the intergalactic warlord Khan. Khan wants to make her his queen, but Storm defeats him. In the series, she also becomes leader of the fictional X-Treme Sanctions Executive, a special police task force of mutants policing mutants given worldwide authority.
In the aftermath of the 2005 House of M storyline (written by Brian Michael Bendis), 90% of the mutants lost their powers. Storm is among the 198 mutants who retain their powers.Also in that year, the miniseries Ororo: Before the Storm of Mark Sumerak retold her backstory in greater detail, concentrating on her relationship with surrogate father figure Achmed el-Gibar during her childhood.
In the following year, Marvel Comics announced that Ororo would marry fellow African super hero Black Panther. Collaborating writer Eric Jerome Dickey explained that it was a move to explicitly target the female and African American audience.Storm's history with Black Panther, including the initial meeting of the characters, was retconned by Marvel during the lead up to their marriage. Initially, in Marvel Team-Up (1980), Storm is seen at age twelve rescuing Black Panther from a white racist called Andreas de Ruyter,[10] but in Dickey's miniseries, T'Challa saves Ororo (who is still twelve) from de Ruyter and his brother. A Black Panther #24 (2006) flashback is ambiguous when it comes to the physical aspect of their first meeting, while the miniseries depicts Ororo losing her virginity to T'Challa a few days after they meet.[33] Collaborating writer Axel Alonso, editor of Black Panther, has stated: "Eric's story, for all intents and purposes (...) is Ororo's origin story."The relationship led to the marriage of the two most prominent black African Marvel Comics heroes in Black Panther by writer Reginald Hudlin, July 2006, as a tie-in to the Civil War storyline.Marvel Comics editor-in-chief Joe Quesada was highly supportive of this marriage, stating it was the Marvel Comics equivalent of the marriage of "Lady Diana and Prince Charles," and he expected both characters to emerge strengthened.Shawn Dudley, the Emmy-Award Winning Costume Designer for TV's Guiding Light designed Storm's wedding dress, which was revealed in April 17 issue of TV Guide, though the design was greatly altered for the comic event.Quesada's prediction has begun to be born out in a Black Panther story arc that followed Storm and T'Challa's wedding where the newly married couple go on a World Tour, meeting with other known royalties such as Doctor Doom, Namor, and Black Bolt of the Inhumans. With Mister Fantastic and the Invisible Woman taking time off to work on their marriage in the aftermath of the Civil War, Storm and Black Panther become temporary members of the Fantastic Four alongside the Human Torch and the Thing in 2007.Storm later returned to the Uncanny X-Men.
Storm later joins the reformed Astonishing X-Men. She states that her official reason for joining the team is that Wakanda is a supporter of Mutantes Sans Frontieres and she believes she should be on the front line, however she is also somewhat bored of her life as queen. The reemergence of the Shadow King later forces Storm to choose between her role as queen and her role as an X-Man. Confronting the Panther God Bast, Storm asserts that she is not limited to being one or the other or anything else and that she is unafraid to do whatever is necessary to fulfill those responsibilities. Regaining Bast's favor, the two defeat the Shadow King and Storm decides that she will remain Queen of Wakanda and remain with the X-Men, refusing to choose between them.

Ever since her inception in 1975, Storm's biography has largely stayed the same. The framework was laid first by Chris Claremont, who fleshed out her backstory in Uncanny X-Men #102 (1976)[and Uncanny X-Men (1979).Some reinterpretations were made in 2005 and 2006, where writers Mark Sumerak and Eric Jerome Dickey, respectively, rewrote part of her early history in the miniseries Ororo: Before the Storm[31] and Storm (vol. 2).
According to established Marvel canon, Ororo Munroe is born in New York City as the child of Kenyan tribal princess N’Dare and American photographer David Munroe. When Ororo is six months old, she and her parents move to the Egyptian capital of Cairo. Five years later, during the Suez Crisis, a fighter jet crashes into her parents’ house, killing them. Buried under tons of rubble, Ororo survives but is orphaned and left with intense claustrophobia. Her fear was once so intense that she was known to revert to a fetal position and approach a catatonic state. (In recent years, Storm has more or less conquered her claustrophobia,and can freely move in tight spaces, even over long periods of time.) After the death of her parents, Ororo wanders Cairo's back-alleys for some time, until she is picked up by the benign street lord Achmed el-Gibar and becomes a prolific thief;among her victims is her future mentor Professor X who is there to meet the Shadow King.Following an inner urge, she wanders into the Serengeti as a teenager and meets T’Challa, who would become her future husband. Despite strong mutual feelings, the two part ways.
In the Serengeti, Ororo first displays her mutant ability to control the weather. For a time, she is worshipped as a rain goddess to an African tribe, practicing nudism and tribal spirituality, before being recruited by Professor X into the X-Men. Ororo receives the code name “Storm” and is established as a strong, serene character.In her early career with the X-Men, she suffers a major claustrophobic attack, which prompts a revelation of her origin to her teammates.When Magneto captures the team, Storm frees the X-Men from captivity.Storm is later captured by the White Queen, leading up to the X-Men's clash with Dark Phoenix.She becomes deputy leader of the X-Men,and supplants her colleague Cyclops as leader of the X-Men,a role she fills out during most of her time as a superhero. She briefly became "Rogue Storm",and even switched bodies with the White Queen.She is attacked by Dracula,and defeats Callisto, becoming the new leader of the Morlocks.Following her leadership of the Morlocks through combat with Callisto Storm begins to develop a darker side. Eventually, the X-Men are invited to Japan for Wolverine's wedding to Mariko Yashida. It is here she meets Wolverine's old friend Yukio and the two become fast friends. Storm is inspired by Yukio who encourages Storm to embrace her emerging darker side. This leads Storm to drastically change her outward appearance to match her inner self and thus dons her iconic punk drab.[volume & issue needed]
Storm is eventually deprived of her superhuman powers by a gun fired by Henry Peter Gyrich; unknown to her, this device was designed by the mutant inventor Forge. The depowered Ororo then first meets and falls in love with Forge, although he does not initially tell her that he is responsible for her power loss.She helps Forge battle Dire Wraiths,[54] before leaving him to rejoin the X-Men. She aids the New Mutants against the Shadow King Amahl Farouk.She next journeys to Asgard with the X-Men, where she is briefly enslaved by Loki.She is nearly killed in a confrontation with Andreas von Strucker.She defeats Cyclops in a competition to become the X-Men's leader.[58] Not long after that, she is reunited with Forge, regains her superhuman powers,and dies with the X-Men in giving her life force to defeat the Adversary; she is resurrected by Roma.She is reverted to childhood by the mutant Nanny,meets Gambit,and is finally returned to adulthood - however, she is enslaved by the Genoshans, but regains her free will and escapes captivity.Concerning her personal life, she is for a long time romantically involved with fellow X-Man Forge, and even considers marrying him before breaking up.
After 90% of the mutants of the world lose their powers, Storm leaves the X-Men to go to Africa; rekindles her relationship with T’Challa, now a superhero known as Black Panther; marries him; and becomes the queen of the kingdom of Wakanda and joins the new Fantastic Four alongside her husband when Reed and Sue take a vacation.[volume & issue needed] On a recent mission in space, the Watcher told Black Panther and Storm that their children would have a special destiny.Upon Reed and Sue's return to the Fantastic Four, Storm and the Black Panther leave, with Storm returning to the Uncanny X-Men to help out with events in Messiah Complex.[volume & issue needed] After joining with the X-Men again, Storm is confronted by Cyclops over her position as an X-Man and a Queen. Cyclops reminds her that she made him choose between family and duty before, and she needs to make the same decision. Storm reacts by returning to Wakanda to face a despondent Black Panther, with the two seemingly falling out with each other, although it is later revealed that the Black Panther has been possessed by the Shadow King. After incapacitating the possessed T'Challa, Storm battled Cyclops, who had been mentally enthralled by the Shadow King to kill the other X-Men. After being forced to drive him out by striking Cyclops through the chest with a massive lightning bolt, the Shadow King then took control of Storm, only to be devoured in vengeance by Bast, the Panther God, who had agreed to hide inside of Storm's mind in order to take revenge on the Shadow King for possessing T'Challa.

Powers and abilities

Weather control
Storm is an extremely powerful mutant and has demonstrated a plethora of abilities, most of which are facets of her power to control the weather.Storm possesses the psionic ability to control all forms of weather over vast areas. She has been able to control both Earthly and extraterrestrial ecosystems on several occasions. She can control the temperature of the environment, control all forms of precipitation, humidity and moisture (at a molecular level), generate lightning and other electromagnetic atmospheric phenomena, and has demonstrated excellent control over atmospheric pressure. She can incite all forms of meteorological tempests, such as tornadoes, thunderstorms, blizzards, and hurricanes, as well as mist. She can dissipate such weather to form clear skies as well.
Her precise control over the atmosphere allows her to create special weather effects. She can create precipitation at higher or lower altitudes than normal, make whirlwinds travel pointing lengthwise in any direction, channel ambient electromagnetism through her body to generate electric blasts, flash freeze objects and people, coalesce atmospheric pollutants into acid rain or toxic fog, and summon wind currents strong enough to support her weight to elevate herself to fly at high altitudes and speeds. Her control is so great that she can even manipulate the air in a person's lungs. She can also control the pressure inside the human inner ear, an ability she uses to cause intense pain. She can also bend light using moisture in the air and her manipulation of mist and fog to become partially transparent, and in later comics, almost completely invisible.
Storm has also demonstrated the ability to control natural forces that include cosmic storms, solar wind, ocean currents, and the electromagnetic field. She has demonstrated the ability to separate water molecules into oxygen and hydrogen via electrolysis, allowing her to breathe underwater. While in outer space, she is able to affect and manipulate the interstellar and intergalactic mediums. Storm can alter her visual perceptions so as to see the universe in terms of energy patterns, detecting the flow of kinetic, thermal and electromagnetic energy behind weather phenomena and bending this energy to her will.
Storm has shown to be sensitive to the dynamics of the natural world, and her psionic powers over weather are affected by her emotions. One consequence of this connection to nature is that she often suppresses extreme feelings to prevent her emotional state from resulting in violent weather. She has sensed a diseased and dying tree on the X-Mansion grounds, detected objects within various atmospheric mediums—including water, and sensed the incorrect motion of a hurricane in the Northern Hemisphere and the gravitational stress on the tides by the Moon and Sun as well as the distortion of a planet's magnetosphere. Storm's mutant abilities are limited by her willpower and the strength of her body. Sentinels identify Storm as a possible Omega-level mutant.

Magical potential
Storm's ancestry supports the use of magic and witchcraft.Many of her ancestors were sorceresses and priestesses. Storm's matrilineal powers have even been linked to the real-world Rain Queens of Balobedu, the region from which her Sorceress Supreme ancestor, Ayesha, hails. The Mystic Arcana series deals with Storm's ancestor Ashake, who worships the Egyptian goddess Ma'at, also known as Oshtur—the mother of Agamotto. A timeline-divergent Storm became the sorceress who taught sorcery to Magik and some of Storm's alternate universe selves possess considerable magical talent.Although Storm has not developed her magical potential, it has been hinted at.The Mystic Arcana series lists the characters with magic potential according to the Marvel Tarot deck. The Tarot asserts Storm as being "High Priestess," the First Tarot's choice one-third of the time. The other draws were the Scarlet Witch and Agatha Harkness. These three characters split the High Priestess card equally. On a separate note, it has been stated that Storm's spirit is so strong that she was able to host the consciousness of an avatar (or "manifestation body") of Eternity, a feat which very few Marvel characters can accomplish without dying

Combat and thievery
Storm is an expert thief, and a skilled, cunning and gifted hand-to-hand fighter, trained by Achmed el-Gibar, Professor X, and Wolverine. By using superior strategy, Storm has overcome physically stronger foes like Callisto and the Crimson Commando in hand-to-hand combat. Storm is an excellent marksman with handguns, and is proficient in the use of knives. Storm is also fluent in Russian, Arabic and Swahili. As part of her paraphernalia, Storm carries a set of lock-picks (with which she has an extraordinary ability at picking locks, in an early appearance she was able to pick a lock with her teeth while physically and mentally reduced to the level of an infant) and her ancestral ruby, which allows inter-dimensional transportation with the help of her lightning.

Physical abilities and traits
Storm's physiology grants her a total immunity to extreme weather conditions and temperatures of heat and cold.Her body compensates for rapid decreases or increases in atmospheric pressure.She can see in near-complete darkness and has superb dexterity.Storm has been described as having one of the strongest wills among the X-Men, making her highly resistant to psychic attacks especially in tandem with electrical fields she creates around herself. Telepaths have found it difficult to track her down and probe her thoughts. Several of these traits are independent of her mutant status and are a result of her ancestry. Also, when utilizing her powers, Storm's eyes turn solid white.

Obsesii II.Black-Widow


Real Name: Natalia Alianovna Romanova
Known Aliases: Natasha Romanoff, Nancy Rushman, Laura Matthers, Oktober, Tsarina, Natalia Shostakova
Identity: Publicly known
Occupation: Adventurer, intelligence agent
Citizenship: Former citizen of the U.S.S.R. who defected to the United States; she now lives in the United States under an extended visa authorized by S.H.I.E.L.D.; she has a criminal record in the United States for her espionage activities for other nations, but was granted amnesty through S.H.I.E.L.D.'s intervention.
Place of Birth: Stalingrad, former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics now Volgograd, Russia
Marital Status: Widowed
Known relatives: Unnamed parents (presumed deceased), Alexi Shostakov (alias Red Guardian I, husband, deceased), Vindiktor (alleged brother, deceased)
Group Affiliation: Avengers, former member of the “Marvel Knights”, Queen’s Vengeance, Champions of LA Lady Liberators, and K.G.B., former partner of Daredevil frequent freelance agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.
Base of Operation: Mobile
Education: College graduate
First Apperarance: Tales of Suspense Vol. 1 #52 (1964)

Natasha Romanoff, a rumored descendant of Russia's royal family. But nothing else is known of her family. During World War II, a Nazi assault upon Stalingrad set the building she was in on fire. A woman, possibly her mother, threw her into the arms of a Russian soldier named Ivan Petrovich before being consumed by the flames.
Ivan brought Natasha under his protection and soon had to defend her from her many enemies. In 1941, Natasha was sought by the Nazi Baron Strucker, who presented her to the Hand to become their master assassin. She was saved from Strucker and the Hand by Ivan, the American super hero Captain America, and the Canadian adventurer Logan.
Under Ivan’s care, Natasha grew to pursue her goal of becoming a ballet dancer and studied under Oksana Bolishinko, a famous Bolshoi instructor. She fell in love with and married a Soviet test pilot named Alexi Shostakov. It was decided at the K.G.B., the department of the Soviet government which serves as the intelligence agency and secret police, which the Shostakovs would make good special operatives. While Alexi Shostakovs was away on a mission, he was informed of the state's new plans for him, and told that from then on he could have no contact with past friends and acquaintances, including even his own wife. Shostakov was then trained to become the Red Guardian, a costumed agent who was intended to act as the Soviet Union's counterpart to Captain America. Meanwhile, a Soviet officer told Natalia Shostakova that her husband had died in the explosion of an experimental rocket he was testing. Distraught, Natasha decided that she would honor Alexi’s memory by becoming an intelligence operative, not realizing that this was what the K.G.B. had hoped would happen when they informed her of Alexi’s death.

She was instructed by the K.G.B. in their infamous Red Room Academy and under their training, she became their most skilled operative, a superb fighter and information-gatherer. The K.G.B gave her the code name of “Black Widow,” and quickly sent her into the field

When Logan resurfaced in America, now bereft of his memory, Natasha set out as the Black Widow to save him from a team of Hydra assassins. She soon encountered Logan again when he, Ben Grimm, and Carol Danvers stole the Red Storm Project from Russia. Natasha pursued them but was ordered off by her superiors.

Her first major field assignment was to infiltrate Stark Industries in the United States and to assist her partner Boris Turgenov in the assassination of the defector Professor Anton Vanko, who was the creator of the Soviet Crimson Dynamo. Natasha attempted to distract Tony Stark while her partner Boris Turgenov used the Crimson Dynamo to destroy Stark’s plants. Turgenov and Vanko wound up perishing in battle, and Natasha remained in America to find some way of regaining the K.G.B.’s favor.

Since Tony Stark was still unaware that she was a K.G.B. operative, she continued to romance him so that she could steal a new antigravity device he had created. She managed to use the device to commit various acts of sabotage, even lifting entire buildings into the air, but Iron Man nullified the device and she barely escaped capture, now unable to trick Stark into lowering his guard.

By luck, Natasha happened upon the novice costumed crime fighter Hawkeye, who had been mistaken for a criminal by the police. Hawkeye was so taken with Natasha that she was able to entice him into on attempt at stealing plans from Tony Stark. Hawkeye fought Iron Man while Natasha watched from a distance, but when Iron Man deflected one of Hawkeye’s explosive arrows, the force of the impact struck Natasha down, knocking her unconscious. Hawkeye fled the scene to help Natasha recover.

After Natasha recovered, her superiors instructed her to avoid Stark Industries for a time and directed her instead to target Williams Innovations. She duped Hawkeye into assaulting that firm, but Spider-Man intervened and Hawkeye turned back as he had begun to suspect his lover’s true motivations. Natasha later sent Hawkeye out on a second attempt to steal Stark’s plans. However, while Hawkeye was gone, she was kidnapped by the K.G.B. and returned to Russia.

The K.G.B. designed a new costume for her and equipped her with her “widow’s bite” and “widow’s line.” With these new weapons Natasha joined Hawkeye in battle against Iron Man in an attempt to destroy him, but when Iron Man shocked Natasha with an electrical blast Hawkeye disobeyed her orders to save her life once again. The K.G.B. the returned and stole Natasha away from Hawkeye.

This time the K.G.B. brainwashed Natasha to ensure her loyalty to the state; in her next mission, she found herself pitted against Hawkeye, who had become a member of the Avengers. Her love for Hawkeye allowed her to resist the brainwashing, and she finally turned against the K.G.B. She became an ally of the Avengers for awhile, aiding them against the Sons of the Serpent. She also proved instrumental in defeating the alien Ultroids who were certain the Avengers would not kill their leader Ixar because of their oath against killing, but Natasha forced Ixar to surrender, reasoning that as she was not an Avenger, she was not bound by their oaths.

On an assignment for S.H.I.E.L.D., Natasha discovered that Alexi Shostakov was still alive, and had been transformed by the K.G.B. into the costumed hero, the Red Guardian. She and the Avengers opposed the Red Guardian and his masters, and Alexi died in the Battle. For a while Natasha abandoned her identity as the Black Widow, just as the Avengers were about to make her an official member.

Natasha finally decided to resume the Black Widow identity, but soon broke off her relationship with Hawkeye so that she could pursue a solo career. She adopted a new all-black uniform and became a vigilante, battling gangs and organized crime in New York. Ivan had come to America by then, and he served as her chauffeur and confidant. Her new methods of operation brought her into contact with Daredevil, and she soon developed both a professional and personal relationship with him, battling side by side as they fell in love.

Natasha was less taken with Matt’s law partner Froggy Nelson, who was manipulated by the villain Mr. Kline into prosecuting her for the murder of the Scorpion (it was actually a robot duplicate of the Scorpion created by Mr. Kline). Although Natasha was proven innocent, she never truly forgave Froggy for the savagery of his courtroom assault.

Matt broke up with his long-time love, Karen Page, so that he could be with Natasha, and the two of them moved to San Francisco to start a new life together. They fought against menaces such as the Man-Bull, the Blue Talon, Dark Messiah, Angar the Screamer, Ramrod, Terrex, Kraven the Hunter, the Death Stalker, the Owl, El Jaguar, Hydra, and Damon Dran, the Indestructible Man.

Natasha wanted to find a new career for herself beyond the day-to-day adventures she and Daredevil enjoyed, and attempted to become a fashion designer, but her career never took off, and her relationship with Matt became strained.

Natasha left Daredevil briefly to accept an offer of membership in the Avengers after aiding them against Magneto, but she soon left them after determining from a battle against the Lion God that she did not fit into a team environment. Natasha and Matt reconciled for awhile, but after a lengthy romance, Natasha finally broke up with Matt because she felt he did not treat her as an equal in battle.

Still on the West Coast, Natasha joined forces with the Ghost Rider and Angel and Iceman of the X-Men when the gods Hercules and Venus were captured by the armies of Pluto and Ares. After having saved Hercules from a forced marriage, he joined the four heroes to found a new super-hero team, the Champions. Based in Los Angeles and bankrolled by the Angel, the team enjoyed modest success in their adventures. During this time, Natasha became involved with Hercules, but his perspective as an immortal made a long-term relationship seem unimportant. The Champions finally disbanded due to bankruptcy.

Although she and Daredevil had parted ways, the Black Widow was still well-known to Daredevil’s enemies as a woman he had loved, and Natasha was captured by Bullseye to be used as bait in an attempt to slay Daredevil. However, Natasha escaped her bonds and aided Daredevil in defeating Bullseye. Damon Dran, one of Natasha’s enemies from her days with Daredevil, captured Ivan in order to lure Natasha to his island, where he set an army of female combat specialists against her. Dran intended to send an agent impersonating the Black Widow to infiltrate the S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier and assassinate Nick Fury, but Natasha defeated his agents, warned Fury, and saved Ivan from Dran before S.H.I.E.L.D. bombed Dran’s island.

The Black Widow was once more embroiled in the schemes of the Hand when she attempted to prevent them from stealing the body of their master warrior, Kirgi, from the morgue. The Hand struck Natasha down with poisons that killed her, but Stone of the Chaste restored her to life. She joined forces with Daredevil and Stone against the Hand when they attempted to revive Elektra. Natasha guessed at the time that Elektra had been successfully revived, but kept this from Matt for his own good.

When Natasha learned that Oskana Bolishinko, her old instructor, was in America at the Russian Embassy, she broke into the premises, seeking to apologize to her mentor for abandoning the ballet to become a spy. Oskana replied that Natasha was not the only pupil of hers who had been stolen away by the K.G.B., and that she accepted that espionage was Natasha’s true calling.

Russian agents then created a Life Model Decoy (LMD) of Alexi Shostakov, which they used to dupe Natasha into believing her husband was still alive. With threats of terminating Alexi, they coerced her into performing acts of espionage for Russia against the U.S. Upon gaining the desired technology, the Russians revealed the truth and tried to kill the Widow, but with the aid of Ivan, she defeated them and destroyed the LMD.

Natasha later joined forces with Iron Man to prevent the Russian sleeper agent code named “Oktober” from launching nuclear missile which would have caused World War III. Unknown to Natasha, she herself was Oktober, and succeeded in launching the missiles. Unfortunately, Iron Man prevented them from being detonated and aided Natasha in capturing the K.G.B. agent responsible for Natasha’s reprogramming. The Window also worked alongside Daredevil against the murdering telepath known as Rose, who had target other telepaths, including several members of S.H.I.E.L.D.’s ESPer unit.

S.H.I.E.L.D. sent the Widow to investigate the Molina, the Russian Mafia, which thrust her into the middle of the decades old struggle between two seeming immortals, the vigilante Night Raven and the drug smuggling Yi Yang. The Widow assisted in foiling Yi Yang’s plot and was witness to Yi Yang casting her helicopter on top of the Night Raven. No bodies were found in the wreckage.

Natasha eventually returned to the Avengers and assumed the mantle of leadership, usually managing the team’s operations from Avengers Mansion while allowing the Black Knight to lead in the field. During this time she also became attracted to Captain America, but wound up sleeping with Tony Stark instead. Her tenure as the Avengers’ leader came to a sorrowful end when most of the team was apparently slain battling Onslaught. Unable to rebuild the Avengers roster herself, and threatened with a legal action from the Maria Stark Foundation, the Black Widow allowed the Avengers to dissolve.

Considering herself to be the last Avenger, Natasha embarked upon a personal mission to bring down all of the Avengers’ former enemies, including the Grey Gargoyle and the Masters of Evil. She again encountered Daredevil at this time, who was concerned with her mental state as he witnessed her obsessive hunting of the grey Gargoyle. Natasha’s presence in Daredevil’s life again complicated his relationship with Karen Page, which at that time was still being rebuilt. Although Natasha was willing to rekindle their relationship, she acknowledged that Karen was the woman Matt loved and nobly allowed them their space. Later on, she even offered to assist Karen after she had been framed for by Mr. Fear.

Natasha was also the first person to correctly identify the former members of the Master of Evil who had adopted the guise of the heroic Thunderbolts. She attempted to turn M.A.C.H.-IV and Songbird against Baron Zemo before he could make his move, inspiring them by telling them how Hawkeye, Quicksilver, and the Scarlet Witch had redeemed their own criminal pasts, but Zemo set his plan into motion before they could reach a decision.

The Avengers finally returned and resumed their operations, but the Black Widow has only occasionally assisted them on missions, still feeling responsible for the team’s disbanding. Instead, she has focused on her espionage work. Natasha has accepted several more assignments from S.H.I.E.L.D., such as impersonating the terrorist leader Ebon Flame in order to shut down her organization, Freedom’s Light. She also had Iron Man assist her in infiltrating the forced-labor camp for scientists run by Tuatara under Mandarin’s direction.

Natasha came close to learning some truths about her past when she was led into a trap by a man named Vindiktor, who claimed to have a copy of Natasha’s mother’s diary. This turned out to be false, but as Natasha fought him, he claimed that he was her brother. Unfortunately, Vindiktor died during their battle before Natasha could ascertain if he was telling the truth.

Natasha crossed Daredevil’s path again when he attempted to slay Baby Karen, believing the infant to be the Antichrist. Natasha saved the child, but was badly beaten by Daredevil in the ensuing fight. Karen Page ultimately died protecting the child, and Matt went to Natasha to be consoled and to explain his earlier actions to her. Natasha reconciled with Matt, revealed that she still loved him, but noted that they had grown to far apart to become a couple again.

Recently, Natasha became aware of the presence of another Black Widow, a younger woman named Yelena Belova who had also been trained at the Red Room and who was obsessed with being the sole Black Widow. The two Black Widows first encountered each other while attempting to retrieve the Endless Fury bio weapon created in Rhapistan, which exploded violently. Natasha later had herself and Yelena trade appearances through plastic surgery to help teach Yelena teach Yelena that her superiors considered her expendable

Despite the presence of the other Black Widow, Natasha Romanoff remains one of the world’s most accomplished hand-to-hand combatants, and is quite possibly the most skilled espionage agent alive, still in high demand with S.H.I.E.L.D., though the U.S. government recently attempted to turn her over to the government of Bulgaria in exchange for having the Viper released to the United States. Her most recent S.H.I.E.L.D. assignment has been to trace the whereabouts of the Tinkerer during a plot to investigate the financing of super-villains in America by foreign nations, possibly Latveria.

HEIGHT: 5 ft. 7 in.
WEIGHT: 131 lbs.
EYES: Blue
HAIR: Red-auburn (formerly died black)

STRENGTH LEVEL: The Black Widow possesses the normal human strength of a woman of her age, height, and build who engages in intensive regular exercise.

SUPERHUMAN POWERS: The Black Widow has received a variant of the Super-Soldier Serum which enabled her to remain in peak physical condition for the past several decades, as well as slowing her aging process to some degree.

ABILITIES: The Black Widow is an Olympic class athlete

WEAPONRY: Bracelets that contain both the “widow’s line” which fires her cable, and the “widow’s bite” which releases electric bolts to stun her adversaries with a charge of up to 30,000 volts. Her gloves and boots are equipped with miniature suction cups which enable her to cling to surfaces. Her belt contains plastic explosives.