marți, aprilie 26, 2011
marți, aprilie 19, 2011
Nu mai vreau!
E greu sa incep sa scriu dupa ce am dezamagit atatia pot sa explic exact sentimentul dar cred ca simt o ura fata de mine si de tot;
Ideea acestei postari e ca pierdut viata,unde e Blacky aia fericita,nebuna,care face caterinca de tot ce ii iese in cale?UNDE PULA LUI SATAN SUNT?
Mai nou sunt deprimata si draga sunt atatea persoane in jurul meu.Pana si el ma nu pot sa.i el incerc sa fiu alta chiar daca nu ma simt ceva luni bune ma deprima "trecutul meu" pe care nu am sa.l spun aici.
El stie tot absolut totul despre mine.ok gata
nu mai vreau viata asta pe care o am acum,vreau alta..una noua^^
Noapte buna popor chinuit.
Vreau sa te pictez
Vreau sa te pictez.In sute de culori si in sute de vise.Vreau sa te vad goala in lumina noptii,sa iti conturez corpul,ochii...Fiecare linie,fiecare curba,fiecare colt.Vreau sa iti mangai parul cu negru sa iti mangai buzele cu rosu,trupul, in alb fin de catifea.
Vreau sa iti conturez tatuajele facute in sange,sa iti sarut picioarele cu pensula ..usor...usor,iti scrijelesc ochii,gura,sprancenele,genele si le sarut.Iti mangai unghiile si imi croiesc prin simple lini drumul catre inima ta.Si ti-o pictez.
Am sa te plimb pe strazile fiecarui vis al meu si-o sa-l pictam mai departe.
Imi pun pensula in buzunar si scot alta mai subtire si mai stufoasa,"am sa-ti colorez sfarcurile si labiile"iti soptesc in timp ce imi umezesc pensula intre dinti.Poate Muntele lui Venus asteapta sa fie pictat si el..imi spune si imi cuprinde buzele intre buzele ei.O mangai cu varful pensulei iar degetele mele aluneca in jos si ii cresteaza clitorisul.Ii desfac picioarele.."Lasa-ma sa te pictez si aici".
Termin.Te saurt,iti prind parul cu mainile si il colorez...rosu,portocaliu,galben..verde,albastru,MOV.
Iti pictez fiecare fir si te privesc in ochi.Cobor usor cu buzele si te sarut pe frunte., gura.Imi indrept pensula catre buze si le innebunesc cu un rosu aprins.Iti cuprind sanii in palme si ii sarut usor,sa nu le fur culoarea.
Iti lipesc spatele de perete..coapsele..Da!coapsele..le pictez.Imi imprim palma in culoare si te ating usor..apoi te musc.Totul e o nebunie de culori si in toata nebunia asta suntem doar noi si ele.
Te asez pe pat,intinsa,iti pun o perna sub cap si te las sa te uiti in tavan.Fur alta pensula din borcan si o umezesc..ii inmoi usor varful in culori si iti pictez talpile...degetele de la picioare.Iti sarut picioarele si te privesc in ochi,esti regina neagra iar eu sunt nebunul..sah..sah.
Termin.Iti suflu usor peste picioare si imi pregatesc panza.Acum,vreau sa imi spui ultimul cuvant iubito."Esti un geniu nebun"..rad...rad..inchid ochii si o mangai si ea adoarme in bratele mele si eu o mangai si o privesc..E atat de perfecta.
geniu nebun,
vineri, aprilie 08, 2011
new post
Is there anything I can say that you don't already know?
I don't write for any readers, I write for you
every word is a love declaration, but I'm afraid it's too much; I don't want to suffocate you, I don't want you to get bored. I'm so far away and the only things that I can offer you and that I'll be able to offer you for the next 3 years are words.
I always knew words could make a difference, but what has happened in the past 10 months is beyond my imagination.
I felt you were different, I felt you were worth the trouble, I knew it deep inside that you were this way, even though you tried so hard to hide it.
You opened up to me, you trusted me, and you made me trust you.
And even if it was damn hard and I was so childish most of the times you gave your best and you tried to know me and understand me and support me. When I say you mean the world to me, I mean it. I can't imagine my future without you in it. You're so great. You're amazing.
You're so kind and smart and gentle and cute and innocent but you can also turn into a bad girl when needed. You're strong and you're tough, but your core is sensitive and soft and I LOVE YOU.
Because you are that kind of girl that's willing to do anything to make things work. And I see it, and I can't forget. And sometimes you lie to make me feel better, you lie to get me a little closer and I know it and it doesn't make me angry, it make me love you even more, because you're doing it for us.
It's been a hard time and nobody know what lays ahead, but [please, trust yourself!
Trust yourself, because you are wonderful, and I'm not stupid. I know when I see a great girl. Regardless of where I am and what happens, remember that you are beautiful both inside and out. I'm not the kind of guy searching for one night stands.
But I'm no longer searching for my soulmate, because I've found you, and you're so perfect.
I don't write for any readers, I write for you
every word is a love declaration, but I'm afraid it's too much; I don't want to suffocate you, I don't want you to get bored. I'm so far away and the only things that I can offer you and that I'll be able to offer you for the next 3 years are words.
I always knew words could make a difference, but what has happened in the past 10 months is beyond my imagination.
I felt you were different, I felt you were worth the trouble, I knew it deep inside that you were this way, even though you tried so hard to hide it.
You opened up to me, you trusted me, and you made me trust you.
And even if it was damn hard and I was so childish most of the times you gave your best and you tried to know me and understand me and support me. When I say you mean the world to me, I mean it. I can't imagine my future without you in it. You're so great. You're amazing.
You're so kind and smart and gentle and cute and innocent but you can also turn into a bad girl when needed. You're strong and you're tough, but your core is sensitive and soft and I LOVE YOU.
Because you are that kind of girl that's willing to do anything to make things work. And I see it, and I can't forget. And sometimes you lie to make me feel better, you lie to get me a little closer and I know it and it doesn't make me angry, it make me love you even more, because you're doing it for us.
It's been a hard time and nobody know what lays ahead, but [please, trust yourself!
Trust yourself, because you are wonderful, and I'm not stupid. I know when I see a great girl. Regardless of where I am and what happens, remember that you are beautiful both inside and out. I'm not the kind of guy searching for one night stands.
But I'm no longer searching for my soulmate, because I've found you, and you're so perfect.
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