De o săptămână nu mai am net,și nici calculator,explicaț luat un 1 și un 3,și ca prin minune nu mai am net.În timpul ăsta liber pe care l-am avut nu am facut nimic interesant,absolut nimic interesant.Voi ce ati facut?
În rest de învățat și teme...bineînteles.E foarte plictisitor fără net.Dar ce să-i faci?
Am o mulțime de idei despre ce să scriu dar nu am cum...
Aveți grijă de voi
vineri, noiembrie 25, 2011
marți, noiembrie 15, 2011
Mi-am zis ca nu numai eu am nevoie de schimbari ci si blogul care e o parte din mine....Ce ziceti?
Horror Story
It was supposed to be a sunny weekend afternoon. Julie and her best friend Amy wanted to go to a picnic. They called their boyfriends and in no time they were getting in the car, heading for a quiet place just outside the city. They arrived quickly and once they set everything they started enjoying the apparently wonderful day. Although lost in thought Amy, could spot two bunnies playing in the distance . The boys were playing cards and Julie was searching for something she thought she had forgotten on the backseat of the car. The sky was clear and the birds were singing in the trees, but the meadow had an eerie glow.
Excited about her discovery, Amy went to search for Julie to tell her about the bunnies she had previously seen. She got up from the picnic blanket covering a small patch of grass and asked the boys where Julie was then she headed for the car. To her surprize, her friend was not in the car, nor was she anywhere within sight. Puzzled and a little scared she alerted the boys who were convinced that Julie was just hiding somewhere trying to pull a prank.
However, Amy wasn't so sure that this was merely an innocent joke so she asked her boyfriend to help her find Julie. Since the only place where she could have been hiding was the forest they decided to search there. Amy was uncomfortable with the idea of going in separately so she stayed with her boyfriend. They both adventured into the woods where the branches and leaves blocked out the sun, making it cold and scary. The path was moist, almost muddy and fallen logs were scattered all over the place. The massive logs covered in moss were making it even more difficult to penetrate into the heart of the forest. They were walking in silence, all senses sharpened, hair standing on end, when they heard a noise and saw a dim light ahead. As they were getting closer they could distinguish three sillouhettes and a fire casting long shadows. Someone was humming loudly. They realized that Julie and her boyfriend had been captured and tied to the trees and a woman in a long gown enchanted something unintelligible. Since the woman couldn't have overpowered the two, they figured there must be other people taking part in this bizzare and terrifying ritual. They looked at each other uncapable of coming up with a better plan other than going back to the car. Just as they were about to turn around, the woman started to laugh hysterically and point towards then. Each of them felt a pair of hands touching their shoulders and pushing them forward into the ritual circle. Just when Amy's boyfriend was about to turn around and hit the person controlling him, the woman next to the fire addressed them in a familiar voice:
Oh my god, Amy, I can't believe you to fell for this.
- Good Lord, Sarah. How could you do this to us?
Julie and Mat had no difficulty removing the rope around their abdomens and stepped forward. The two people behind them were Sarah's older brothers.
- Come one, they said. Don't be so upset, we owed you for last year. Let's get back to our cars.
They took a different path to lead them to the meadow but when they got there the cars were missing. This time there was no prank.
It looks like they weren't out of the woods after all.
Excited about her discovery, Amy went to search for Julie to tell her about the bunnies she had previously seen. She got up from the picnic blanket covering a small patch of grass and asked the boys where Julie was then she headed for the car. To her surprize, her friend was not in the car, nor was she anywhere within sight. Puzzled and a little scared she alerted the boys who were convinced that Julie was just hiding somewhere trying to pull a prank.
However, Amy wasn't so sure that this was merely an innocent joke so she asked her boyfriend to help her find Julie. Since the only place where she could have been hiding was the forest they decided to search there. Amy was uncomfortable with the idea of going in separately so she stayed with her boyfriend. They both adventured into the woods where the branches and leaves blocked out the sun, making it cold and scary. The path was moist, almost muddy and fallen logs were scattered all over the place. The massive logs covered in moss were making it even more difficult to penetrate into the heart of the forest. They were walking in silence, all senses sharpened, hair standing on end, when they heard a noise and saw a dim light ahead. As they were getting closer they could distinguish three sillouhettes and a fire casting long shadows. Someone was humming loudly. They realized that Julie and her boyfriend had been captured and tied to the trees and a woman in a long gown enchanted something unintelligible. Since the woman couldn't have overpowered the two, they figured there must be other people taking part in this bizzare and terrifying ritual. They looked at each other uncapable of coming up with a better plan other than going back to the car. Just as they were about to turn around, the woman started to laugh hysterically and point towards then. Each of them felt a pair of hands touching their shoulders and pushing them forward into the ritual circle. Just when Amy's boyfriend was about to turn around and hit the person controlling him, the woman next to the fire addressed them in a familiar voice:
Oh my god, Amy, I can't believe you to fell for this.
- Good Lord, Sarah. How could you do this to us?
Julie and Mat had no difficulty removing the rope around their abdomens and stepped forward. The two people behind them were Sarah's older brothers.
- Come one, they said. Don't be so upset, we owed you for last year. Let's get back to our cars.
They took a different path to lead them to the meadow but when they got there the cars were missing. This time there was no prank.
It looks like they weren't out of the woods after all.
De ce aveti Facebook?
Cu toate ca imi e foarte rau,voi scrie!Astazi cand am venit de la scoala am inceput sa bantui putin pe Facebook.Ideea acetei postari este urmatoarea:
-Oameni care le fac parintilor "delcaratii de dragoste"
-Oameni care posteaza linkuri al caror continut este incult aici ma refer la manele.Ok frate inteleg ca asta asultati voi,comunitatea cocalarior,dar chiar trebuie sa postati linkuri de genul?
-Poze editate la maxim(nume,declaratii).
-Si alte cacaturi de genul
Intrebarea mea este:De ce aveti Facebook?Ca sa faceti declaratii stupide luate de pe net?Wtf oameni buni?Wtf?
-Oameni care le fac parintilor "delcaratii de dragoste"
-Oameni care posteaza linkuri al caror continut este incult aici ma refer la manele.Ok frate inteleg ca asta asultati voi,comunitatea cocalarior,dar chiar trebuie sa postati linkuri de genul?
-Poze editate la maxim(nume,declaratii).
-Si alte cacaturi de genul
Intrebarea mea este:De ce aveti Facebook?Ca sa faceti declaratii stupide luate de pe net?Wtf oameni buni?Wtf?
luni, noiembrie 07, 2011
Dimineata inainte de test
Tot weekendul am facut chestii pentru scoala.Asta insemnand ca am invatat si mi-am facut temele.Asta pentru ca luni dimineata,la prima ora aveam test la Limba si Literatura Romana.De cand am inceput sa "intram"serios in materia de limba romana nu inteleg absolut nimic din ce spune profa.Si nu sunt singura,fiecare om din clasa aia are ceva cu profa de romana.Face o multime de paranteze cateodata folositoare cateodata nefolositoare.
E dura,e foarte dura.Si e rea,e foarte rea.De multe ori ne-am gandit sa o schimbam.Dar avand in vedere faptul ca ei care au fost a 12-a au luat toti bacul si au facut cu ea....Ne-a dat de gandit.
Cu o saptamana inainte de test,ne-a dat subiectele.Niste poezii de Arghezi si Barbu care nu au nicio logica.Cateva definitii si toate observatiile scrise in caiete.O tona de observatii,o tona de fefinitii.Si era pentru LUNI DIMINEATA LA ORA
Nu stiu daca am spus vreodata cuiva dar sunt o persoana foarte organizata.Mi-am organizat pana si pauzele in care mananc,pauzele in care beau apa,pauzele in care ma spal pe maini.E o lista intreaga,nu are rost sa o scriu acum.Poate pe viitor o voi scrie.Asa...fiind o persoana foarte organizata am toate lucrurile posibile si imposibile in la crema pentru protectie solara la ochelari de soare,servetele si o pungi:)).Nu se stie niciodata.Asa sunt eu...Aseara am facut o poza tuturor lucrurilor pe care le iau la scoala.Voi pune poza imediat ce o voi avea in calculator.
Dimineata a inceput asa: M-am trezit la 6.Mi-am facut o cafea tare.Am pus-o intr-o cana cu termostrat sau cum se numeste.M-am spalat pe dinti,i-am dat apa la pisica,mancare,m-am imbracat si dusa am fost.Bineintels am fost a doua persoana de la mine din clasa a ajuns mai devreme mai exact 7:20.Mi-am luat cafeaua,cartea de romana si caietul si m-am pus pe repetat.E incredibil cat de liniste e pe holuri la ora 7:20 dimineata.Pe rand,au inceput sa vina colegii mei.Mai erau 5 minute inainte de a se suna,toti erau cu caietele in fata,repetau pentru groaznicul test la romana.A inceput ora,a intrat profesoara,am scos o foaie de hartie,aia eram!
Ne-a dat subiectele,"minunate" bineinteles,nu voi minti am stiut cat de cat.Am scris la toate subiectele,am scris chiar 3 pagini si am ramas in pauza ca sa.l termin.Ne-a dat din "Amintiri din copilarie".Recunosc,cu mana pe inima URASC Amintiri din copilarie.Intodeauna am urat tot ce tine de Amintiri din copilarie.Mi se pare o lectura foooarte plictisitoare fara niciun intels.
Am terminat testul.Cand a vazut profesoara cate pagini am scris face catre mine"Ce faci domisoara scri romane?"Adica cum?:|
Am mentionat faptul ca doamna profesoara are ceva cu mine?Spune ca bat campii.Ma uraste.Odata m-a mutat in fata.Jur pe tot ce am mai sfant ca nu am scos nicio vorba in ora aia,dar ne.Asta-i viata.
Trebuie sa ne obisnuim cu ea chiar daca nu o prea intelegem.Defapt trebuie sa ne obisnuim cu toti profesorii si cu mofturile lor.
Totul s-a terminat cu bine,sunt sigura ca voi lua o nota stiu de ce dar asta simt.Pana data viitoare va urez "Distrati-va mult la scoala,fiti atenti la ore si nu bateti campii":)).Have fun!
E dura,e foarte dura.Si e rea,e foarte rea.De multe ori ne-am gandit sa o schimbam.Dar avand in vedere faptul ca ei care au fost a 12-a au luat toti bacul si au facut cu ea....Ne-a dat de gandit.
Cu o saptamana inainte de test,ne-a dat subiectele.Niste poezii de Arghezi si Barbu care nu au nicio logica.Cateva definitii si toate observatiile scrise in caiete.O tona de observatii,o tona de fefinitii.Si era pentru LUNI DIMINEATA LA ORA
Nu stiu daca am spus vreodata cuiva dar sunt o persoana foarte organizata.Mi-am organizat pana si pauzele in care mananc,pauzele in care beau apa,pauzele in care ma spal pe maini.E o lista intreaga,nu are rost sa o scriu acum.Poate pe viitor o voi scrie.Asa...fiind o persoana foarte organizata am toate lucrurile posibile si imposibile in la crema pentru protectie solara la ochelari de soare,servetele si o pungi:)).Nu se stie niciodata.Asa sunt eu...Aseara am facut o poza tuturor lucrurilor pe care le iau la scoala.Voi pune poza imediat ce o voi avea in calculator.
Dimineata a inceput asa: M-am trezit la 6.Mi-am facut o cafea tare.Am pus-o intr-o cana cu termostrat sau cum se numeste.M-am spalat pe dinti,i-am dat apa la pisica,mancare,m-am imbracat si dusa am fost.Bineintels am fost a doua persoana de la mine din clasa a ajuns mai devreme mai exact 7:20.Mi-am luat cafeaua,cartea de romana si caietul si m-am pus pe repetat.E incredibil cat de liniste e pe holuri la ora 7:20 dimineata.Pe rand,au inceput sa vina colegii mei.Mai erau 5 minute inainte de a se suna,toti erau cu caietele in fata,repetau pentru groaznicul test la romana.A inceput ora,a intrat profesoara,am scos o foaie de hartie,aia eram!
Ne-a dat subiectele,"minunate" bineinteles,nu voi minti am stiut cat de cat.Am scris la toate subiectele,am scris chiar 3 pagini si am ramas in pauza ca sa.l termin.Ne-a dat din "Amintiri din copilarie".Recunosc,cu mana pe inima URASC Amintiri din copilarie.Intodeauna am urat tot ce tine de Amintiri din copilarie.Mi se pare o lectura foooarte plictisitoare fara niciun intels.
Am terminat testul.Cand a vazut profesoara cate pagini am scris face catre mine"Ce faci domisoara scri romane?"Adica cum?:|
Am mentionat faptul ca doamna profesoara are ceva cu mine?Spune ca bat campii.Ma uraste.Odata m-a mutat in fata.Jur pe tot ce am mai sfant ca nu am scos nicio vorba in ora aia,dar ne.Asta-i viata.
Trebuie sa ne obisnuim cu ea chiar daca nu o prea intelegem.Defapt trebuie sa ne obisnuim cu toti profesorii si cu mofturile lor.
Totul s-a terminat cu bine,sunt sigura ca voi lua o nota stiu de ce dar asta simt.Pana data viitoare va urez "Distrati-va mult la scoala,fiti atenti la ore si nu bateti campii":)).Have fun!
Zambetul lui Sharon
Weekend-ul asta am avut mult de scris.Cum nu aveam niciun chef sa imi fac temele fara sa ascult ceva mi-a venit la mintea la acele vechi desene animate de pe Minimax "Zambetul lui Sharon".Iubeam fiecare episod si le vazusem pe fiecare in parte de 10.000 de ori.Asteptam cu nerabdare sa vina seara si sa o vad pe Sharon.
De foarte mult timp stiu un site foarte tare cu toate desenele posibile si imposibile nu cred ca e ok sa-i fac reclama dar iti pot da link daca vrei(pe facebook:) Mi-am facut temele ascultand 6 episoade din Zambetul lui Sharon.
Mi-am adus aminte de toate desenele minunate la care ma uitam cand eram copil.
Va recomand sa faceti acelasi lucru cand aveti timp.
Have fun!
sâmbătă, noiembrie 05, 2011
5 November
Remember, remember the fifth of November, the gun powder treason and plot. I can think of no reason that the gun powder treason should ever be forgot.
joi, noiembrie 03, 2011
Spuneam in postarea de mai jos ca ma uit la Next Top Model.Ei bine,mie dintre toate fetele imi place Aida Becheanu.E genul meu de fata,e draguta si e neobisnuita,nu e ca toate fetele,e simpla,e foarte frumoasa si e mai baietoasa.E preferata mea si sper sa castige:)).Wtf?Cum a sunat asta.
Mi se pare cea mai frumoasa dintre concurente,fiecare cu parerea lui desigur.
Pare asa foarte matura chiar daca are 18 ani.E speciala.
Ma uit la Next Top Model iar tema din aceasta saptamana este "India".Urasc india,nu sunt rasista dar urasc India,nu stiu de ce,poate pentru faptul ca sunt niste oameni jegosi,negri,exact ca tiganii ca doar tiganii se trag din India nu?
Urasc bijuteriile pe care le poarta si toata cultura lor si filmele,muzica pana si faimoasele actrite,care prin frumusetea lor farmeca orice barbat.
Nu am vizitat niciodata India,probabil ca au locuri frumoase dar tot nu ma convinge.
Pur si simplu urasc India!
Eu beau tot cu paiul.Nu am decat sa-i multumesc lui Marvin Stone ca a inventat paiul.Nu e si pentru voi o placere sa beti cu paiul?
Adica mie imi place sa bag paiul in sticla de 2 L.:))Sunt o ciudata dar e ok.Pana si apa din pahar o beau cu paiul,pana si supa o beau cu paiul stiu ca e putin scarbos dar asta sunt:)).Beau cu paiul.
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